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I’ve been hearing this quite a bit from fellow web designers  across the globe: “I can’t wait to use CSS3 when it’s done.”

But the truth is everyone can begin using CSS3 right now. And


fortunately you don’t have to think differently or make drastic  changes to the way you craft websites in order to do so. How  can anyone use CSS3 on any project? Because we’re going to  carefully choose the situations where we apply CSS3, focusing  squarely on the experience layer.

Targeting the experience layer

If we’ve been doing things right over the past several years,  we’ve been building upon a foundation of web standards  (semantic HTML and CSS for layout, type, color, etc.), leav-  ing much of the interaction effects—animation, feedback,  and movement—to technologies like Flash and JavaScript.

With CSS3 properties being slowly, but steadily introduced in  forward-thinking browsers, we can start to shift some of that  experience layer to our stylesheets.

As an interface designer who leans heavily toward the visual  side of design rather than the programmatic side, the more

I can do to make a compelling user experience using already-  familiar tools like HTML and CSS, the more I do a happy  little dance.

CSS3 is for web designers like you and I, and we can start  using portions of it today, so long as we know when and how  to fold it in.

When to apply CSS3

In terms of a websites visual experience, we could group things into two categories: critical and non-critical (table 1.01).

Areas like branding, usability, and layout are crucial to  any website’s success, and as such utilizing technology  that’s not fully supported by all browsers would be a risky  venture there.

For example, in the evolving CSS3 spec there are multiple  drafts for controlling layout—something we drastically need.






Visual Rewards





table 1.01: A websites visual experience can be grouped into critical and non-critical categories. The latter are where CSS3 can be applied today.

We’ve been bending the float property to handle layout for  years now. We’ve figured out how to get by with what we  have, but a real layout engine is absolutely a necessity.

That said, two of the three new CSS3 layout modules have yet  to be implemented by any browser. They’re still being worked  out, and arguably are still confusing, difficult to grasp, and  likely not the final solution we’ve been looking for. Most im-  portantly, for something as important as layout, CSS3 just isn’t  the right tool. Yet.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are non-critical events  like interaction (hover, focus, form elements, browser  viewport flexibility), and visual enhancements that result  from those interactions (along with animation). It’s far less  crucial to match an identical experience between browsers  for events like these, and that’s why it’s a perfect opportunity  to apply certain portions of CSS3 here for browsers that sup-  port them now.

It’s atop these non-critical events where we’ll be applying  CSS3 throughout the book, keeping the more important char-  acteristics of the page intact for all browsers, regardless of  their current CSS3 support.

When we decide to focus on and target these non-critical

areas of the visual experience, it becomes incredibly freeing to  layer on CSS3 and enrich the interaction of a website without  worrying that the core message, layout, and accessibility will  be hindered.